Packaging boxes can be divided into many types from different angles. From the aspect of performance, we can make a simple division; in addition, this can also provide us with a way to make gift boxes.
Gift boxes come in two main forms: direct performance and indirect performance.

Projector Packaging Boxes
Direct performance means that the focus of the design is on the content itself, including the form and use of the product. The most common method is photographic picture or window design, so the direct way is still very popular with consumers, and will also play a very good role in the sales of the product.
Indirect performance is the way in which packaging describes products with other relevant things. This method has a wider range of performance, and is often used to express certain attributes, brands and concepts of content.

Smart Device Packaging Boxes
From the product itself, some items cannot be directly expressed, such as perfume, wine, washing powder, etc., which needs to be treated by indirect expression. In addition, many packages that can be directly expressed, in order to obtain novel and varied effects, often choose to achieve through indirect expression.

Colorful Candle Packaging Boxes With Lid Open
The difference between gift boxes and ordinary boxes is that it must highlight its characteristics, whether directly or indirectly, in order to better play the role of auxiliary products.